K-12 School Liaison Program

Welcome to MCCS-MCRD/WRR-SD School Liaison Program

Our Vision

The School Liaison Program is the critical link between families, commanders, communities, and schools to improve education outcomes, quality of life, and operational readiness.

Our Mission

To promote awareness of the unique education needs of military connected children and facilitate successful school transitions. School Liaisons will:

  • Develop, Coordinate, and Engage in school and community partnership initiatives that foster academic success;
  • Increase educator and community awareness of the Marine Corps mission;
  • Serve as the commander’s subject matter expert and point of contact for K-12 education related matters.

Information on Local San Diego Schools and Boundaries

San Diego Unified School District

CA School Dashboard – Take a look at more than just testing

For more information about the local schools, please contact the School Liaisons directly.

Inbound Transfers

Welcome Letter

PCS Checklist *Make sure you have everything before your enroll

MilitaryChildcare.com – Possible Childcare options for your next location.

Child Youth Program (CYP)

Due to the unique needs and different school options within the area, we encourage all incoming families to connect with us for enrollment options.

Local Community Resources

Point Loma Library

MCCS – MCRD Library

Adopt-A-School: Please see the School Liaison if your unit is interested in adopting a school

Current San Diego Schools:

Boys and Girls Club

Boys to Men Mentoring Group for teen boys

Big Brother, Big sisters San Diego


Please see your local school liaisons for even more community resources.

Western Recruiting Region (WRR)

School Liaison Flyer

Great Schools (Community review and school ranking)

The Niche (Community and School grades)

8th District: Ft Worth, TX 

9th District: Great Lakes, IL 

12th District: San Diego, CA 

Please see your School Liaison before leaving or arriving to your next duty station, we can provide you with even more resources for your location.

Special Education Resources

WrightsLaw (One Stop Shop for Basic Special Education questions)

Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) 

Americans Disability Act (ADA) 

San Diego Unified School District 

For More Information, see your EFMP Caseworker < Link to new EFMP page >

Rehabilitation Act of 1973 


No Federal endorsement implied.

Contact Information and Resources
School Liaison Program

MCCS School Liaison MCRD San Diego / Western Recruiting Region: (619) 524-8104

MCCS School Liaison MCRD San Diego / Western Recruiting Region: (619) 524-8032

Hours of operation:

Monday 0730-1600
Tuesday 0730-1600
Wednesday 0730-1600
Thursday 0730-1600
Friday 0730-1600
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